Sex Workers are being targeted
Sex Workers are being targeted and doxxed – How?
Table of Contents
- What can we do to prevent being doxxed?
- How does customs get a hold of your social media accounts?
- How secure is my private info on websites?
- What precautions do you take when booking AirBnb or hotels?
- Can you place links to Adult sites on social media?
- How can I prevent being doxxed?
- I am being stalked and harassed – What can I do?
- A client gave me a new laptop/phone, what must I do?
- Related Articles
What can we do to prevent being doxxed?
It started years ago – Sex Workers are being targeted in Australia, having their bank accounts frozen and/or closed, although it is legalized in parts of Australasia, AND many of them had already retired from the industry.
Edit – Bank Australia has now stepped up in defence of Sex Workers.

American Banks have declared war on the Adult Industry and will deny bank facilities to anyone suspected of working in the Adult Industry, whether they are working legally or not –
FSC: Adult Industry Being Wrongly âRed Flaggedâ Under FinCEN Guidance
Banks in the UK have also turned on the Adult Industry
Here in Africa no banking institution will allow any individual or company involved in the “Adult Industry” to use their facilities online (This includes Dating sites and Sex Shops). Mastercard forbids the use of it’s service on Adult sites.

Luckily South Africa has personal EFT machines – anyone can buy a personal EFT and operate any business from any street corner if they wish, and many in the Adult industry are using this facility.
Snap to pay apps are also becoming more common, in Europe some are even using Bitcoin.
1 March 2024 – SnapScan (Standard Bank) has confirmed to us in writing that they will support the Adult Industry in S/Africa.

With decriminalization awaiting approval it will be interesting to see if South African banks are forced to relax these rules, however in countries where prostitution is legal (UK, NZ, Aust) it seems that banks still bow to international guidelines.

To make matters worse – established SWer sites are rumored to be selling, or surrendering their clients data and pics to the feds. Bots are crawling the web collecting photos & data and forwarding them to facial recognition apps. Even Elon Musk has admitted that the feds have access to all Xitter info – including your DM’s on Xwitter.

It is also becoming increasingly common to hear that anyone suspected of working in the Adult Industry are being blocked by Immigration officials worldwide and being sent back home. Where are they getting their info/pics from?
How does customs get a hold of your social media accounts?
Open Source Intelligence or OSINT.
You donât even need special tools, just the ability to connect information.
Itâs a common part of background checks even for HR in regular companies.
Do not share face pics or info across social media accounts, when travelling make sure your phone/laptop don’t contain any evidence that could incriminate you.
How secure is my private info on websites?
Websites collecting personal info stand to be in breach of privacy laws – GDPR, POPIA etc. The fine for breaching POPIA law is R10 000 000.00 and we ain’t going there!
It is also common for websites (remember Ashley Maddison?) and hosting companies (recently GoDaddy.com) to be breached and for millions of clients private info to be stolen.
We at Adult Services have concerns about the way Sex Workers are being targeted, we are banned from (Tasteful or humorous) advertising on Google, Facebook, Xwitter etc, and (WARNING) placing links to Adult sites on social media can have 3 results – 1) The site will be blacklisted, 2) Your account can be blocked or closed, and 3) Certain words will get your posts shadowbanned.
Adult sites asking for ID – Think about it for a second. Where/what are they comparing your ID to?
You cannot verify an ID without access to the State/National database!
Worryingly it’s come to light that certain “verification services” are selling their databases on Telegram/WhatsApp etc – Who’s regulating these so-called verification services?

What precautions do you take when booking AirBnb or hotels?
AirBnb is an American company bound by the laws of the country.
They have now begun analysing email addresses and banning sex workers worldwide regardless of where they are working.
If you do choose to use AirBnb or hotels, DO NOT use your persona email.

Can you place links to Adult sites on social media?
It seems that centuries old taboos on Adult content are only becoming stronger as politicians vie for more votes. Christofascists claim to be protecting children but their ultimate goal is the banning of anything they deem “unacceptable”, and to them ALL SW is trafficking.
Sites can and do “ban” links to any site they deem unacceptable (This is how Facebook/IG is able to track and shut down sex workers), your account will also be shadowbanned or revoked.
Use a link to your Links page instead and keep them updated.
Posting rates, dates, tours, links, numbers, availability is illegal on Twitter and often results in suspension.

How can I prevent being doxxed?
1) No more “face out” – Turn your head or blur/hide your face. Hide your tattoo’s!
Delete those you can and don’t show your face anywhere on social media – Big brother is watching and the evidence is mounting.
2) Use the CCleaner or TOR browser, these are browsers specially designed to “hide” your web footprint. CCleaner has easy to use private mode, history deletion etc, and if you change the icon wording it looks like just another computer repair app.
3) Stop placing explicit pics on IG, Facebook and Twitter, delete any nudity. Keep your accounts, pics, info etc seperate. Twitter and Bluesky are now placing filters on all adult content – posts are no longer being seen, so are less effective than vanilla pics.
4) Turn off cookies as far as possible – This site uses only site functional cookies, Google etc doesn’t need to know who you are, where you are or what you are doing.
5) Use “incognito mode” – all web browsers have this feature which helps to hide users (the 3 dots up in the right corner).
6) Clear your browser cache occasionally, this is annoying because your browser loses it’s “memory” (so to speak).
7) Don’t list on sites demanding ID’s, Addresses, or any other personal info, info is being leaked, and – it is an invasion of your privacy!
Sites operating under GDPR are entitled to retain your private info for 4 years AFTER you cancel your membership.
8) Use Googleâs âresults about youâ dashboard on mobile and web to see if you are a victim of doxxing, scraping, BL’s, catfishing etc? See where your name and pics are being stored.
9) Never give hotels your RN if you can help it.
Even rockstars (Tommy Lee) use names like “Heywood Jablome” when travelling.
10) Remove baggage tags before entering a hotel.
11) Don’t use biometrics on your devices, passwords only.
12) Don’t use public wi-fi.
13) Get a wi-fi hotspot and carry it with you.
14) Use a VPN – your IP can be tracked, the TOR browser uses it’s own VPN’s.
Hackers know this and have been using VPN’s for years.
15) Remember to log out of hotel TV’s.
16) Don’t share photo’s between social media accounts/profiles etc.
17) Watermark your photo’s/videos.
18) Remove all EXIV data from pics/vids. (Exiv stores date, location, settings etc).
On Iphone : Open Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services > Camera, then tap Never.
On Android: Tap the three-dot menu > select Remove EXIF option > Tap the metadata you want to delete. Tap the Save icon to save your changes.
19) Beware of sites asking for tax info, this is another doxxing technique.
20) Don’t travel with incriminating evidence on your devices, esp to USA, Australia, UK, Thailand, Japan.
Best to leave your work phone at home.
21) DO NOT post pics of where you are currently staying!
Clients/LE will use the headboard, bathroom, curtains, carpet, food, furniture, paintings to ID the exact hotel and google map anything in the backround to get your precise location.

I am being stalked and harassed – What can I do?
Did you know stalking, doxxing and death threats are against the law?
Judges don’t just go handing out emergency orders of protection to folks who aren’t victims.
Understand that the law is there to protect you!
If you are a victim of cyberstalking, it depends on the laws in your country/state but you need to protect yourself with everything available to you.
Invest in surveillance equipment and record ALL meetings.
Check out invisawear.com for a range of personal protection items.
Screenshots and recordings are used as evidence in court.
A client gave me a new laptop/phone, what must I do?
Don’t accept any Internet-connected electronic devices if they arent sealed from the factory, if you do make sure to wipe & format it before you do anything.
People can load custom software and enable remote administration/spy on your home environment, steal your Personal Info/Banking info.
And yes – It happens – A LOT!
This site was created with your privacy and safety in mind and we do not want to know who’s using the site. Verification can be done by checking to see that your Social Media profiles agree with one another and that your links are working and not linking malware sites, we do message confirmations to your sites, check your links etc.
Please keep your link pages updated, it’s frustrating for customers when they don’t work, and you lose business! If we can’t reach you at your stated addresses we can’t verify you.
Supplying an ID for a pseudonym/persona is an inside joke in itself and will only be necessary if there are problems verifying age or persona.
The site does not allow outsiders to view profiles and hopefully will put an end to 12yr olds collecting porn on their phones and/or pranking sex workers.
Sex workers reporting each other has become a problem on sites with this feature, we require proof and will follow up with the accused before taking action.
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Have great day!
Julian K
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