How to create an Adult business website
Knowing how to create an Adult business website is important for any provider
Table of Contents
- How do I host my NSFW Adult website?
- How do you get a Domain Name for your nsfw Adult website?
- What do I need to know before designing my wordpress site?
- What is wrong with Google search lately?
- Can Adult sites use PayPal or banking gateways?
- How do you add crypto payments to your private wordpress website & phone?
- What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Adult Industry NSFW websites have have a much more difficult task.
This article is a guide aimed at those in the Adult Industry wanting to know how to create or start an Adult NSFW business website and advertise online.
Normally there are a wealth of resources available online which unfortunately are simply just not available to the “Adult Industry” – You cannot list your business on Google business or use Google advertising, S/Media advertising also doesn’t allow adult content.
Forget about advertising on Facebook, IG etc and even Xwitter does not appreciate unpaid self promotion – Schedules, linking to your sites etc causes automatic shadow bans on Twitter, account monitoring, false warnings, “robot” checks and eventual suspension, post your link on another account thread and you face suspension.
The Xwitter ad policy is pretty conservative, which also gives you an insight into what Xwitter deems to be “undesirable” –

How do I host my NSFW Adult website?
There are basically three ways to host a nsfw site:
Sign up for a “free” site on one of the escort sites. It’s basically the same idea as WIX etc, but your “site” is actually just another page on their site and the domain will be myname/escortsite.com or similar. The problem is nothing is ever “free”, you have no control over your domain and SEO, no way of monetizing, no search functions, limited designs, limited fields and will have to actively market your “site” on social media. There are always upgrade costs, renewal costs which can be expensive in the long term but if you only want a page or two it’s a good starting point.
An example is – Freeescortsite.com
Use a Free website builder which includes your domain name and site –
Just sign up, create/add your domain, choose a template, change the pics and text – simple!
The problem with Free hosted sites is you are subject to their (changing) rules, options are very limited, explicit content bans, and costs can multiply after the introductory period, also your site name will include the host name eg. AllyKat.Freeservers.net, you cannot add a payment gateway to your site and they usually lack site statistics and email accounts.
But if you only need a basic ad site with a contact page, this method is very popular.
The contact page will have to be linked to a Gmail account.
We have conflicting reports about Wix banning SW’rs, many have had great success with it and it is quick and easy to do – Wix site signup.
Self hosting is more complicated but much more powerful and gives you total control of your site.
There are five types of site hosting, the cheapest is shared hosting which is fine for smaller websites.
You can add payments to your site and get paid online for deposits, content etc!, you can also add your own email addresses eg. my persona@mysite.xxx. Email addresses are part of the domain, if you change domain names or lose the domain you will lose the email addresses as well.
For self hosted websites you need to rent a domain name plus a hosting company – Fees are paid annually and typically use the free open source WordPress.org as the site core software. You can choose what builder to design with and there are unlimited free templates, themes, plugins as well as paid versions.
The problem with self hosting is choosing the correct hosting company; security, design, speed, SEO. Maintenance is complicated and can be expensive if you outsource it.
There are arguments about hosting companies all the time and you only find out who is best for you by trial and error. The best hosting company we have found sofar is Greengeeks in terms of price, performance, support, security, features, uptime.
Some companies offer a introductory rate which you can “lock” if you pay for 3 or more years and can save you $$$ in the long run, be sure you have chosen the right host before doing this and compare hosting companies on YouTube 1st.
Redumbrella, Squarespace, Strikingly are current popular recommended choices. They use beginner interfaces and template choices to make it easier for you.
Redumbrella is geared specifically for sex workers, so there should be no nasty surprises later on.
There are many, many other hosting providers but most aren’t “Adult” friendly – see Tips below.
We don’t recommend Wix or Godaddy, Wix isn’t Adult friendly any longer and Godaddy has technical issues, hidden costs, security breaches and crazy renewal prices.

How do you get a Domain Name for your nsfw Adult website?
The domain name system (DNS) is a database in which internet domain names are located and translated into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
Every website must have a unique name and IP address, however finding the name you want isn’t so easy.
Go to Namecheap.com (They have the biggest choice and lowest prices) to research available site names and prices. If your desired name is available at the right price – buy it!
You don’t have to do anything with it yet, but you “own” the name as long as you keep renting it on a yearly basis. If you don’t buy the name now, chances are it will be taken when you do decide to.
Domain names are best bought seperately from an independent provider, we recommend Namecheap, and not buying from a hosting provider.
Many hosting companies offer a “Free domain” in their plans – It’s a trap!, these freebies are only free for the 1st year and thereafter you are at the mercy of the host who can charge you whatever they want.
If you don’t want your ID exposed online you will have to pay extra for “Domain protection” which keeps your personal info private (a neccessity in nsfw).
Domain names cannot be owned, but you can reserve your domain by paying years in advance.
It is adviseable to keep your domain name and hosting providers seperate, you can move your hosted domain to any other hosting provider – providing a) They are Adult friendly, b) They support the Domain Name/extension, c) Your domain is paid up, d) You have owned it for more than three months, e) The site lock has been de-activated.
You can also change names later by buying a new domain, selling or auctioning your old one before the rental runs out, or just let the old one lapse if it has little monetary value. There are a lot of people making a living by buying and selling domains at a profit.
Each domain name is a totally seperate website, to change site names you have to host the new domain name somewhere and then “migrate” your old site to it or build a whole new site (This is why X is still Twitter.com). Even www.mysite.com is not the same site as mysite.com.
edit 08/02/24 – Bluesky now has a feature whereby you can buy your domain name on their site AND use it as your custom username, which drops the .bsky.social off your username. They claim it also verifies your account.
Ps. Bluesky is now open to all without invites AND Adult friendly.

What do I need to know before designing my wordpress site?
Some usefull tips:
WordPress – WordPress is the most widely used website CMS, think of it as the Windows or Mac OS under which you create your site using pagebuilders and/or themes.
Beware! – There are actually two types of WordPress – .org & .com. WordPress.com isn’t cheap or adult friendly. They are also NOT compatible with each other!
WordPress.org is an open source free distribution which installs automatically with with your new WP Hosting package.What are the differences between .org & .com?
It is important to know the difference before starting, all too often owners only find out they have chosen the wrong format when problems arise (AWAYS use WordPress.org).Speed – Cheap & Free plans are usually shared hosting which is very slow. Slow site speed is a factor with ranking on Google Search and if you can afford it go for a better plan. Picture sizes are another factor which has a huge impact on site speed, keep your photos as small (compressed) as possible without losing the dimensions or quality.
Themes – WordPress comes with a choice of basic themes you can add templates to, you can also buy themes which include functions like membership, shop, news, auction, education site. This site was built using a dating theme and then adding the functions we needed as current escort (agency) themes didn’t have the necessary functions.
Pagebuilders – Are “apps” used to build and edit your sites pages. Wix etc have their own pagebuilder which is simplified for general use. It is possible to build a Worpress site using only a pagebuilder but you’d need a pro to do it for you. Themes are easier to edit and they usually only work with one pagebuilder.
Plugins – Are “apps” added to a website to add functions not included with WordPress or your theme, there are thousands of options and they usually come in free and paid versions.
If you run into difficulty just Youtube it – there are thousands of tutorials on everything web design related, plus reviews by experts. You can learn almost anything on YouTube.
Still having difficulty? – Thousands of experts are available to hire on Fivrr.com, most are cheap and give good results. ps. Read their reviews before engaging them.
Never buy cheap (nulled) software for your site! These bargains may work for a while but usually contain malware or spy trojans and also there is no support when something goes wrong. Always buy from a reputable software source.
WordPress Self Hosting – The old adage “You get what you pay for” cannot be emphasized enough. Cheap plans are not only limited in size but almost always slower than desired. Google measures site speed and rates your site accordingly, you may not have much traffic but still suffer on Google. Hosting companies do this to catch the unweary knowing that you will need to upgrade later if you want any chance of ranking your site on Google.
Try to find hosting that includes free SSL, Backups and dedicated email accounts. Many hosts charge extra for these necessary extras, Godaddy is the king of charging extra for these “extra’s”.
Remember that your site can be accessed by anyone, anywhere and you can be held liable for it’s content. No under 18 notices are not legal as they only encourage kids to explore the site. They can also “block” crawlers from indexing your site.

What is wrong with Google search lately?
Unfortunately Google is #1 in the search industry, but recently they have chosen to prioritise “useful content” as well as their paying advertisers (GoogleAds).
What this means is that the searches are showing
1) Their customers and
2) What they “think” is useful to you, Adult sites still appear in searches, only now you may have to scroll much, much further to find them.
Latest rumors are that in future Google AI will look at the search query, then search your site for the answer and completely disregard your site and hard work, while stealing your content without your knowledge to provide an answer.
Recommending your clients to switch to Bing or DuckDuckgo is highly recommended.
The Adult Industry can’t use Google Ads, Google Business, or advertise on social media like “vanilla” business does.
The only paths open are to:
a) Advertise on other “Adult” sites (like ours),
b) Take chances on social media and risk being banned from Twitter, IG, Reddit etc, and
c) To create backlinks (links & references) on other sites – which gives your site some credibility in Google’s eyes.
Creating Advertising space on your site not only monetizes your site, but helps BOTH sites gain credibility and viewers. Very often Adult sites will exchange banner/widget ads with your site and we have numerous ad placements available on our site.

Can Adult sites use PayPal or banking gateways?
Many Adult sites have been getting away with using normal banking gateways, PayPal was once the method of choice, but the reality now is Banks/PayPal etc will ban anything remotely connected with the Adult Industry – even literature, toys, member dating sites.
The only safe way currently to monetize an “Adult” website is by using crypto gateways or to use “SnapScan” barcode methods. However there are reports that crypto isn’t safe anymore either, ie Coinbase has been banning “Adult accounts”, whereas Coinpayments is ok with “Adult” (for now).
If your bank/PayPal sees any suspicious wording on your statements they will close your account.
Bank Australia has recently endorsed #SW in Australia, FSC (Free Speech Coalition) in the U.S.A. is challenging banking institutions in the U.S.A., South Africa is awaiting decrim. There is hope.
Snapscan in South Africa has confirmed their acceptance in writing, the same can’t be said for YOCO, FastPay, Banks etc.

How do you add crypto payments to your private wordpress website & phone?
There are many “How to” videos on YouTube, YouTube is also handy for advice on WordPress, Themes, Plugins, Pagebuilders etc – There are tutorials for everything!
Generally speaking it means installing Woocommerce on your site, we strongly recommend getting a web developer to set this up for you.
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
SEO is the art of getting your new website to rank at the top of Google searches.
SEO isn’t what it used to be, gone are the days of stuffing in keywords like “escort” and everyone was able to find your site.
Google now uses AI to analyze each page of every site and it decides what to list, and what it will list for.
Many SEO “experts” guarantee results, but the reality is that they are all struggling to keep up with the latest Google alogrythm updates. The best they can do is try to make your site appealing to Googles AI bots, and even then Google “decides” what to list and how it’s going to list it. You cannot tell Google what to list on your site, or how.
There is a huge market for SEO tools online and many companies are making a lot of money selling methods to make websites rank better on Google – they don’t always work.
Even using best practices it can take 3-6 months before having any effect.
Read these case studies for more insight.
There are many hidden factors which also influence site ranking, if you are on a cheap (slow) plan or your site isn’t optimised, your site speed alone could negatively affect your ranking.
Many large membership sites are now struggling on Google simply because they don’t have what Google considers “useful content”. Your site will also need a large amount of backlinks from other niche sites before Google will take it seriously.
Google search isn’t what it used to be either – results are now determined by ranking advertising (paid) sites, traffic volume, content quality (useful? content), backlinks (referals from other sites), links to “useful” sites, speed, domain age, site authority – amongst others. Search the same words on different browsers and you will get different results.
You will have to create site accounts on Google, Bing etc to take advantage of their services, submit sitemaps and updates, view traffic and keyword hits, visitor habits etc.
Linking to/from “bad sites”, allowing search engines to index nudity/porno pics and videos, are quick ways to have your site blacklisted from Google/Bing/DuckDuckgo etc.
We recommend Rankmath as the most useful free SEO tool (plugin) for your site, we used AIOSEO at first, but got nowhere, when we contacted support we were informed that they refused to assist “Adult sites” – Fuk them! The Rankmath page on Facebook has been more than helpful and you can usually get answers in minutes and they have a lot of tutorials on their site.
While this article is only an introduction, we have tried to address the main problems associated with “Adult sites” and given as many links for further investigation as possible. This article will be updated as new information comes to light.
Related links:
Good luck with your new site.
Julian K
Contact us if you have any information to add.
Scams escorts need to be aware of.
How to start a webcam business.
Adult Industry terms and definitions.
Escort Red Flags to watch out for.
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