Safe screening tips for escorts
A guide on escort safe screening tips you can implement to keep yourself safe.
Table of Contents

How can I improve client quality?
List only on sites which verify clients, nearly all sites have free access to the public and kids/other providers/scammers/TW’s love to “play” with you.
Having a website with a booking form is great, otherwise write a standard email to send out requesting that info. Save it in your notes app and respond to every inquiry with it. If the guy seems serious but oblivious, include a bit of friendly chatter.
Having your email and/or phone number exposed on open websites and/or social media is a recipe for disaster, you have been warned.
Embed it into your contact page or list on secure sites only.
If they want small talk or don’t want to send screening, they get blocked.
There’s no *trying* to get someone to screen….
Background checking an applicant?
Comes up ok, but do you have doubts?
Check the phone numbers and email addresses that he DIDN’T give you.
More guys fail on what they don’t say than what they do.
Typical example of a client refusing to screen and trying to manipulate the provider –

Booking form additions
Having questions and rules on your booking form can make all the difference.
Does your booking form include your basic instructions?

Adding “required” fields to your booking form can help save a lot of time and effort.
In WordPress it’s possible to make required tickboxes and also to upload attachments to save time, equiries without the required attachments go straight into the trash bin.

Some escort/provider/sex worker/SW safe screening tips
Requiring clients to share ID with you in order to book allows you to verify their identity.
Some providers ask for photos of ID and some request selfies with the client holding their IDs.
The preffered method is an ID with a selfie, even if all the info is fake at least you know what they look like.Many clients will refuse saying that they are “famous”, “it is a breach of privacy”, they “can’t risk being exposed” etc. These clients value their privacy and safety above yours, politely refuse them and move on to clients who do value your safety.
Be aware that clients can buy fake ID’s online which have proven to beat established “verification agencies”.
There are numerous guys going around abusing and scamming providers with fake ID’s – see the above example of one guy who’s been evading cops for years, this guy has numerous ID’s, phones, emails, b/cards etc.Social Media Profiles
Ask for ID/profiles, business card. Ask for a photo of their work ID, S/M or their LinkedIn profile. Again, some clients will hesitate but the ones that verify this info are usually safer to see.By the same token, the more profiles you have to show clients – the more creditable you become! You can create a free profile and list your links on this site.
Make the client share information on providers they have seen prior, so you can contact another provider and verify that a client is safe. (The client MUST notify the provider 1st and pay her fee).Make sure this provider exists and is active on socials, profiles & emails can be faked!
Many providers refuse to share client information – respect their decision, also many providers are now charging for their time to provide references.
If you are contacted for a reference – DO NOT GIVE bad references!
Either decline or be discrete – or it may explode on you.One caveat: Clients don’t behave the same with every provider, a good reference is not a 100% guarantee that a client is safe so exercise caution!
If a client demands that you provide references – point them to your S/Media, Site pages, OnlyFans etc.
If they are not happy with that – it’s probably a cop fishing for personal info or someone too lazy to look for themselves.Demeanor
Some people exist only as examples of what to avoid.The demeanor of a potential client says a lot more than you may realize. A recent survey of client enquiries revealed that the intitial approach said a lot about the prospective client and the following graph shows just how motivated clients actually were –
Another giveaway is the language they use, if a client is calling you “babe”, “honey” etc from the outset be VERY wary as they tend to have delusions of marrying a SW’er.
Also telling you they are trustworthy, honest, rich etc is are red flags, rich and honest people have no need to advertise the fact.
Asking for a deposit filters out timewasters and law enforcement.
LE normally do not pay deposits and timewasters have no intention of booking in the first place.Deposits can be a percentage of the booking fee, a set amount of $$, etc.
Be wary of bank deposits and the wording used – Words like Gift, Transfer, Donation etc won’t be flagged in either of your accounts.Checks, Payments (incl PayPal, Venmo) can be reversed and we have heard of numerous payment reversals recently. There is even a Venmo scam where the client forwards a fake payment screen. Read our article on scams SW’rs should be aware of.
Consider switching to a COIN account with card facilities, or an EFT machine where available.

Client/Timewaster booking ratio chart
This handy chart shows the ratio of bookings rejected, blocked, cancelling, not booking and booking compared to the initial introduction

Did you know you can use Google’s “results about you” dashboard on mobile and web to see if you are a victim of doxxing, scraping, catfishing etc, it’s great for checking clients too.
Read our article on Sex Worker Banking problems.

Never ever proceed until the money is in your account, even then leave it for a few hours as bank payments, then move it to another account. Venmo/PayPal etc CAN be reversed or disputed.
We recently had a case where a Venmo payment was disputed & reversed 2 months after the appointment!

Some more useful #SW tips:
Google is your friend! – If you have his legal name and he has an active warrant it will pop up.
Listen to your intuition – If something is off, cancel the meeting.
If you question their good intentions, cancel the meeting.
If you approved them but they started to act weird before meeting, cancel the meeting.
No money is worth a bad experience.
If a significant other contacts you – block the client immediately!
If you don’t, I guarantee you the client will be followed to your next meeting.
Never act from desperation – Desperation will twist your perception and will lead you to make compromises – Don’t do that, another opportunity will come.
Trust your gut – If the money seems too good to be true then it probably is!
Tell them to leave belongings in the bathroom – Stealthing video’s has become a game hobbyist’s love to play and share with their mates.
Be wary of glasses, hidden cameras – It is becoming increasingly common for clients to stealth videos without your permission.
Tell someone you will be out and when you will return. Message them when you return.
Consider hiring a chaperone/driver (there are plenty of older/unemployed people looking for part time work), or a friend to look over you.
As a final note:
This is not a blog to be used to shame sex workers that do not screen, there are people in our community that do not have the luxury of heavily screening and/or turning down money.
Opting out of screening does not make you a bad SW!
Please contact us if you have any further advice on this topic.
Scams escorts need to be aware of.
How to start a webcam business.
How to avoid being doxxed.
Adult Industry terms and definitions.
Escort Red Flags to watch out for.
How to create your own adult website
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Take care out there!
Julian K
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